My Blog

Archive for December, 2005

Midlife Crisis

by on Dec.11, 2005, under Richard Bingle

I’m 40, so maybe its my midlife crisis. Of course, I’ve wanted one since 1983 when shopping for my first car when I was 18, so maybe I can’t blame it on a midlife crisis. Either way, I finally bought a convertible. Not just any convertible, but a 2006 Mazda MX-5 Miata Sport in Winning Blue.


I got (I think) a fairly good deal on it. I was able to get it via the Mazda S-Plan (Friends and Family) pricing which works out to be invoice. I was planning using a $500 off coupon I’d received as part of the Mazda Zoom Zoom Live event that was held here in Orlando a couple of months ago to make it a great deal. Unfortunately, the local Mazda dealers all charge a pretty hefty “document preparation fee”, so in the end my $500 coupon only ended up getting me the car for $1.50 under invoice (plus tax/title).

This time of year in Florida is perfect for tooling around with the top down, although it can get a bit chilly at 60 mph once the sun goes down. Hopefully it won’t be too hot this summer!

Zoom Zoom!

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Testing WPG2

by on Dec.11, 2005, under Site News

I’ve been hacking quite a bit at this site and playing with WordPress, Gallery2, and the WPG2 plugin that attempts to tie the two together. This is just a test to see if embedding a gallery image (like this one)


works. If it does, then good! If it doesn’t, then I’ve still got work to do… The image that should appear within this post is from a cruise that my extended family took earlier this year. Don’t you just dig those awesome handmade tie-dye shirts?

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