My Blog

Archive for August, 2006

Under New Management

by on Aug.28, 2006, under Richard Bingle

A little over one year into its outsourcing agreement with The Walt Disney Company, ACS (Affiliated Computer Services) has a new manager. Me.

For the last 11 months, the ACS Network Management team for the Disney contract has been split geographically across the two coasts with a group in Burbank (and Anaheim) and a group in Orlando under the management of the former manager of the Disney West Coast NMS team. Now the team will be split management-wise between the coasts again and I’ll be leading up the East Coast contingent here in Orlando. Everyone’s goal in the new structure is to retain all the gains we have made over the last year in getting the two teams to think and act as one while providing a local point of contact/resposibility for the rest of the ACS teams here in Orlando. I hope I’m up to the challenge!

— Rich

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