Archive for May, 2008
Story in Future Americas Coming in June
by Don and Linda Bingle on May.14, 2008, under Donald Bingle, Donald Bingle Family
I’ve got a new story, “Attached to the Land,” coming out in Future Americas from DAW in June. Here’s what the cover looks like:
I originally wrote this story for a magazine that was running a pessimistic sci-fi story set in the near future in which the west was ravaged by drought and fire and was specifically looking for a companion story about how the west could have a brighter future. The magazine was paying a good price and got a fair number of submissions from sci-fi’s finest, but decided not to run any of their stories because they didn’t find any scenario for a rosy future for the west to have sufficient credibility. Somehow I think that they were inclined that way from the start and they just wasted a bunch of writers’ time. Determined to make use of the story, I sent it to John Helfers, who works for the company that packages DAW anthologies, and he just happened to have this spot where it fit.
Yet another story coming out in July. . .