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Archive for July, 2010

(Sea) Lions, Tiger (Sharks), and (Polar) Bears, Oh My!

by on Jul.15, 2010, under Richard Bingle Family

No, this post isn’t about a trip over the rainbow, but rather a recent visit to Sea World Orlando.

The wife of a friend from work is employed by Sea World and was gracious enough to offer to get us into the park a few weeks ago. While we had been annual passholders for a few years when the girls were younger, we hadn’t been to Sea World for several years and eagerly accepted the offer.

I won’t bore everyone with the gory details. Suffice it to say that we saw and did almost everything (including sea lions, tiger sharks, and polar bears) and stayed until the park closed. We all enjoyed the coasters (Kraken and Manta) and the shows (we saw them all at least once). Our favorite show was the night-time Clyde and Seamore sea lion show which spoofs all of the other shows you’ve seen that day at the park.

Since our visit to the park, the girls have taken to playing dolphin & trainer in the pool and we’ve all taken to nodding/shaking our heads vigorously to indicate yes/no (from a scene in the Clyde and Seamore show where a trainer accuses one of the sea lions of eating some fish and the accused sea lion emphatically denies he hasn’t (although he did) and the other sea lion confirms the accusation).

Thanks for the great day, Judy!

— Rich

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