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Archive for June, 2014

Wedding Post

by on Jun.29, 2014, under Ashley Bingle, Ashley Peters, Josh Peters, Josh Peters Family, Richard Bingle Family

As Dad already mentioned, I got married the other day(!) and so here is my obligatory post to inform you of some of the details missing in that earlier post.

So: on Saturday morning at 10am on May 31st, 2014… oh I’ll just let the programs do the explaining:


We were joined by our family and friends who supported us in person and in thought from afar, and are very glad for those that were able to join us, even if we didn’t get to spend much time visiting between getting married and rushing off to the airport before 2:00 in order to catch the flight to our honeymoon (a cruise out of Port Canaveral that stopped in St. Thomas and St. Maarten). We want to thank everyone for coming and for all the help that so many people put into our wedding: our families, our roommates, and even random strangers from church that helped with decorations, lighting, sound, video, flowers. Everything went off smoothly (at least as far as we could tell) and I didn’t even fall flat on my face when I tripped (ask someone about that sometime, I’m sure it will be a story for a long time).

So now we’re married and I am officially Mrs. Ashley Peters (which is really weird to say and think, but that’s what happens when people get married)!

I may put up a post about our actual honeymoon, since I do have some pictures and video from the trip and for now I don’t have very many official wedding photos to share but feel free to check out the ones I have put in the gallery. However, for the time being I will be working on editing together the footage from the church videographer and the two hidden cameras that Dad put up in the balcony and in the plant behind the minister, so I should have that video at some point in the future too. For now, take a look at a time-lapse of every 10 seconds during the ceremony and the slideshow that Amber made for us that we played after the ceremony.

That’s all for now, you’ll have more when I have more to share!

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Big News and even Bigger News!

by on Jun.01, 2014, under Ashley Bingle, Richard Bingle Family

The last couple of weekends have been cause for some celebration!

First, Ashley graduated from Calvin on May 24th! Karen, Alyssa, and I drove up to Michigan on the Monday and Tuesday before graduation. After moving Amber out of her dorm on Wednesday and Ashley out of her dorm and into her first apartment on Friday, we were proud to attend her graduation ceremony on Saturday. Yay, Ashley!!

But that paled in comparison to what the next Saturday was to bring. Ashley’s wedding to Josh Peters!

I’ll let Ashley post her own entry about the wedding (after the honeymoon), but needless to say the week between graduation and the wedding was full of last minute planning and arrangements, a wedding shower, crafting an 8 minute slideshow of pictures of Ashley, Josh, and Ashley & Josh (yay, Amber!), decorating, relatives, rehearsing, eating, shopping, hauling, wrapping, packing, visiting, errands, lots of emotions, and very little sleep. But all of that effort was worth it to watch Ashley and Josh walk back up the aisle as husband and wife!

We are thankful for all of the family and friends that were able to share in this momentous occasion in Ashley’s life.

We love you, Ashley!

— Mom and Dad

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