My Blog

Anthony Hatfield Family

Long Time Since Last Post

by on Jun.12, 2009, under Anthony Hatfield Family

It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  Amber just turned 7 a couple of weeks ago.  My parents came over to celebrate her birthday.  Both girls also had a dance recital this past weekend, so my parents got a two-for-one deal.  Celebrate a birthday and see the recital.  It amazes me how much effort goes into a recital where the actual dance routine is about 3 minutes long.  They had to practice on Saturday and of course had professional pictures taken.  Then on Sunday we had to go for the actual recital.  I thought Amber and Abbie both did a very good job and looked very cute.  I added a new sub-album with pictures to my amhatfield album for those that might be interested. 

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Made it back!

by on Jun.20, 2007, under Anthony Hatfield Family

We made it back safe and sound to Indy after our week of fun in SC.  I wish that I could say our trip back was just as fun.  We decided to make the return trip in one day.  We didn’t run into any major issues, except a little rain in the mountains and a few traffic delays.  But with a decent stop for lunch and dinner and a lot of pit stops, total travel time was 15.5 hours.  Thankfully the kids were pretty good.

I almost thought we were still at the beach when we woke up Sunday morning to find our grass was as brown as the sand.  Apparently we are in a small drought and had no rain while we were gone.  It also sounds like it hit at least 90 almost every day.  The good news is that the pet fish was still alive, and the dog seems glad to be home after his week at the kennel.


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