Donald Bingle Family
Frame Shop
by Bingle on Oct.11, 2014, under Donald Bingle
Famous author and “Legend In His Own Mind”, Donald J. Bingle is currently running a kickstarter for his latest novella, Frame Shop.
Pledge early and often!
Talk (And Dress?) Like A Pirate Day 2014
by admin on Sep.19, 2014, under Amber Bingle, Ashley Peters, Donald Bingle, Linda Bingle, Richard Bingle
Arr! It be that time again! Talk Like A Pirate Day!
This year Bingles in 3 states celebrated TLAPD not only by talking like pirates but even dressing like them.
Cap’n Rich prompted the following missive from an officer in the Royal Navy:
We need the K-9 unit dispatched to 1120 please.
The “Cap’n” may be enticed to leave the premise by placing Solaris scripting books or chicken wings in the parking lot. Don’t be alarmed about the apparent firearm as it’s been identified as the make shift window handle from the Telecom equipment van. Please do recover the key as it needs to be returned to a nearby 7-11 so they can regain access to the men’s restroom.
Splashly Ashley was also highlighted by her captain in a missive:
If you have not filled out your talent profile and turned it in to your manager, please do this by EOD today. We appreciate your help and timeliness in this effort.
Also, make sure you fill out the Career Ambition section!
Ashley’s is to talk like a Pirate… but just for today.
Amber (aka Leftie) and her parrot Evermore plundered The Isle of the Krispy Kreme with her sister.
And then there is Scurvy Don and Crazy Linda. Words escape me…
New Web Page
by Don and Linda Bingle on Jan.20, 2014, under Donald Bingle
I’ve created a new page where you can not only grab a free Kindle app so you can read Kindle books and stories on your PC, Mac, iPad, tablet, or smartphone, as well as on your Kindle, but you can find my books collected for purchase. Use this link when you shop Amazon and I get a small percentage even when you buy other books, cds, and merchandise.
Don Reads a Dark Tale at Waterline Studios
by Don and Linda Bingle on Nov.24, 2013, under Donald Bingle
Here’s a vimeo of me reading my story, “For Every Time, A Season,” from Time-Traveled Tales at Waterline Studios last month.
The Next Reality Television Star
by Don and Linda Bingle on Feb.09, 2013, under Donald Bingle
Starting Sunday, February 10th, you can watch the exciting knock out competition between local writers and performer pairs. Project Publish will air LIVE on BATV every Sunday from Feb 10th thru March 24th at 2pm central time (adjust for your own time, accordingly).
Be sure to tune in – here’s how:
Comcast Channel 17 in Batavia
AT&T U-verse Channel 99 throughout all of Northern Illinois
Or streaming online at:
iPhone / Android app: “Ustream”, “BATV Channel 17 Live”.
Spring Peepers
by Don and Linda Bingle on Apr.07, 2012, under Donald Bingle Family
The spring peepers in our pond/marsh in the back corner of our property are rare and officially the first ever documented in Kane County. Who knew? They’ve been peeping every spring since we moved in. Photo courtesty of Matthew Ignoffo.!/donaldjbingle/status/187720402045386753/photo/1
RR Logos
by Don and Linda Bingle on Apr.07, 2012, under Donald Bingle Family
Some familiar stuff for Rail Baron verterans, but some new and interesting stuff, too.
“Makeshift” and Mahjongg
by Don and Linda Bingle on Mar.03, 2012, under Donald Bingle
I also just posted a story on Kindle and Nook called “Makeshift.” Since it is just a short story (only 99 cents), I won’t say too much about it, except that it does include a bit about a certain Mahjongg incident that has some similarities to something that occurred in real life. Anyhow, here is the cover:
Net Impact Now Available
by Don and Linda Bingle on Feb.29, 2012, under Donald Bingle
Okay, so it’s been awhile since I posted and I’ve had various things published since I last posted, but the big one is that my third novel came out, a spy thriller called Net Impact. Here’s the cover and a blurb about it:
Dick Thornby is not Hollywood’s idea of a spy.
In his rough and tumble
job there are no tailored Italian suits, no bimbos eager to please, and no
massive underground fortresses built by evil overlords seeking world
domination—just an endless series of sinister threats to the safety and security
of the billions of mundane citizens of the planet. Sure, Dick’s tough and he
knows a few tricks to help him get out of a tight spot, even if his boss accuses
him of over-reliance on an abundance of explosives. But he’s also got a
mortgage, a wife upset by his frequent absences on “business” trips, and an
increasingly alienated teen-age son who spends way too much time playing in
gaming worlds on the computer.
When a mission to bust up an arms exchange
in New Zealand goes spectacularly bad, ending with the showy destruction of the
Dunedin port facility, Dick is thrown into a maze of conflict involving Hong
Kong arms dealers, cyber-criminals, Chinese government goons attempting to
suppress computer access by dissidents, and even militant Maoris seeking rocket
launchers to shoot down tourist-laden jumbo jets. Then a young computer expert
back at the Philadelphia headquarters for The Subsidiary, an international
espionage agency created in the aftermath of 9/11, discovers that the bad guys
are involved in a vast conspiracy. Dick is forced to partner with the espionage
neophyte to battle evil on multiple fronts, leading to a final confrontation
that incorporates real-world conspiracy theories and cutting-edge
In the end, Dick can save his partner, save his marriage,
save his son, or save the world, but he can’t do it all.
Net Impact is available as a soft cover trade paperback and as an eBook on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and iBooks. Tell your friends!
Three More Stories, Then Three More
by Don and Linda Bingle on Feb.04, 2011, under Donald Bingle, Donald Bingle Family
This winter has been a busy time for anthology stories. Following up close on the heels of my story, “Foggy Goggles,” in Steampunk’d in November, came my story “F Isn’t for Freefall” in Love and Rockets (fair warning: adult themes in a kind of “Are you a turtle?” sort of way) in early December, then “Means to an End” in Blue Kingdoms: Mages and Magic on December 31, and finally “Rural Route” in Boondocks Fantasy in early January. At least three more stories should be coming down the pike in the coming year: “Dashed Hopes” in Hot and Steamy (steampunk romance); “Solitary Life” in Crimson Pact, and “Day of the Shadows” in an anthology yet-to-be-named of new stories by panelists for the GenCon Writers Symposium.